about me.


hi beautiful soul. i'm shayla, pen name shaynatural.

i am a writer, who writes to heal. my mission as a writer is soul liberation, for you+me+the collective. i believe that we all came here with our divine plan complete and downloaded into our heart & that it's our purpose on earth to align with + surrender to it.

i had my first spiritual awakening in 2018 & it's been a wild ride since then. from feeling lost, disconnected, empty, unfulfilled & dissatisfied with life, to questioning everything i've known to be true, to thinking i'm going crazy, to facing my darkness, to reconnecting with my power source, to remembering my true essence, to rebuilding my inner foundation, from the ground up, built on love over fear. 

i am passionate about aligning souls with their own truth & with their own divine path. i serve as a reminder that our destiny is in our hands, that we can reshape our reality by rehsaping our minds & that we must look inside of our souls to know which way to go.

i remembered that i was not born to be like the world, but rather, that i was born to discover & be my native frequency. unapologetically.

becoming my highest & reaching my fullest potential is my deepest desire, while inspiring others along the way.

i am honored to have you part of my journey.

i am honored to be part of your journey.

thank you for being here.

let's grow together! 

contact me via email: shaynaturalwords@gmail.com

thank you for your support! it means the world to me!

thank you-2